Mutek Montréal
The India Space Opera, original score
Original score for The India Space Opera, feature documentary by Korbett Matthews, for Super Channel, TV network.Four Score, original composition (with Ned Bouhalassa)
Long Story Short, Boundary (composed by G.Poirier & C.Olsen)
Expo 67, Boundary (composed by G.Poirier & C.Olsen)
Ferit, composed for the Musique Pour Pas Perdus installation at Place des Arts
Cormillia by C.Olsen. Composed for the Musique Pour Pas Perdus installation at Place des Arts
Theme for 78 Days, a feature documentary by Jason Nardella
Dripsody, (Boundary remix), composed by G.Poirier & synths by C.OlsenPipedreams, electroacoustic piece, using extended field recordings techniques.
Elephant Foley, composed using found objects for La Hacienda, Montréal
Composed using found objects in a foley room